Green Crew taking action! Students working to establish food waste reduction and recycling by conducting their 1st waste audit. #greenschool #reducewaste #changeMakers #wearecrew
over 2 years ago, Conway Academy
Green Crew
**REMINDER** Conway's EPIC Parade is back! Friday, October 28th, 2022. 8:05 am to 8:20 am. Please download the informational flyer below to read about the event and the dress code. • Parents are welcome to attend to watch the parade but must exit the school immediately at the conclusion of the parade at 8:20 am.
over 2 years ago, Conway Academy
Conway's EPIC Parade is Back!
The Scholastic Book Fair is coming to Conway! We are in need of volunteers to help provide the best experience for our students and their families. If you have an hour or 2 to spare next week, we highly encourage you to donate your time and help make this an EPIC Book Fair! Please contact our family liaison at if you are interested in volunteering.
over 2 years ago, Xochitl Maldonado
Scholastic Book Fair is coming to Conway the week of October 31st!
¡La Feria del libros Scholastic llegará a Conway la semana del 31 de octubre.
Fall Picture Make-Up Day. Tuesday, November 1st, 8:00 am to approximately 12:00 pm. Picture make-up day is only for students who wish to retake their photo or for any students who missed Fall Picture Day in September. To purchase photos, please use the following link: . If a student is retaking their photo, the original order purchased will be honored and applied to the make-up photo.
over 2 years ago, Conway Academy
Fall Picture Make-Up Day
The San Diego County Office of Education and Computers 2 Kids San Diego are providing SMART Tools for school at an affordable price! Choose from one of the following - Lenovo Yoga 11" touch screen Laptop for $100 - Desktop $100 Includes Webcam & Wi-Fi Connection Adapter - Laptop $150 If you are interested in purchasing any of these electronic devices, we highly encourage you to please register by Monday October 31st. Distribution of electronic devices will take place on Saturday, November 5th between 9:00 am - 12:00 pm at the North County Regional Education Center 255 Pico Avenue San Marcos CA 92069 **Walk-Ups are welcome day of the event. **Pay day of the event in form of Cash, Debit & Credit Card. If you have any questions, please call (858) 200-9788 or email
over 2 years ago, Xochitl Maldonado
The San Diego County Office of Education and Computers 2 Kids San Diego are providing SMART Tools for school at an affordable price!
¡La Oficina de Educación del Condado de San Diego y Computers 2 Kids San Diego están proporcionando herramientas para la escuela a un precio asequible!
Kicked off Red Ribbon week in the most EPIC way today. Cougars wore red to celebrate healthy living and life. #redribbonweek #epicconway
over 2 years ago, Conway Academy
Red Ribbon kick off
Escondido Union School District Family and Community Engagement Virtual Learning Series 2022-2023 invites you to join us for an important presentation and discussion about the warning signs of mental health challenges in our youth and strategies to ensure their safety and wellness. Preventing Youth Suicide: Mental Health Awareness and Support Wednesday, October 26th 6:30 - 7:30 p.m. (English) Zoom Meeting ID: 865 4096 7002 Passcode: families El Distrito Escolar de Esconido los invita a que nos acompáñe a una importante presentación virtual y discusión sobre las señales de advertencia de los desafíos de salud mental en nuestros jóvenes y las estrategias para garantizar su seguridad y bienestar. Prevención del suicidio juvenil: concientización y apoyo sobre la salud mental miércoles , 26 de octubre 5:00 - 6:00 p.m. (español) Codigo de reunion via Zoom : 880 2409 4772 Contraseña: familias
over 2 years ago, Xochitl Maldonado
Preventing Youth Suicide:  Mental Health Awareness and Support  Wednesday, October 26th 6:30 - 7:30 p.m. (English)  Please join us for an important virtual presentation and discussion about the warning signs of mental health challenges in our youth and strategies to ensure their safety and wellness. Meeting ID: 865 4096 7002 Passcode: families
Prevención del suicidio juvenil:  concientización y apoyo sobre la salud mental  miércoles , 26 de octubre 5:00 - 6:00 p.m. (español)   Acompáñenos a  una importante presentación virtual  y discusión sobre las señales de advertencia de los desafíos de salud mental en nuestros jóvenes y las estrategias para garantizar su seguridad y bienestar.    Meeting ID: 880 2409 4772 Passcode: familias
Greetings Conway families! We would like to invite you to SAVE THE DATE! Conway PTA will be hosting an association meeting the first week of November. These meetings are very important and full of information on future events and so much more! Join us via Zoom on Wednesday, November 2nd at 5:30 pm Meeting ID: 856 6458 8038 Passcode: epic
over 2 years ago, Xochitl Maldonado
Conway PTA Association Meeting Wednesday 11/2 at 5:30 pm via zoom.  Zoom Meeting ID: 856 6458 8038 Passcode: epic
Reunión de la Asociación de PTA de Conway el miércoles 11/2 a las 5:30 p. m. a través de zoom. ID de reunión de Zoom: 856 6458 8038 Código de acceso: epic
Next Week is National Red Ribbon Week! We have lots of fun Spirit Days planned to help us remember to "Celebrate Life" with our HEALTHY and HAPPY choices. Let's make it an EPIC Red Ribbon Week! 🎈❤️🎈❤️🎈❤️🎈
over 2 years ago, Conway Academy
Red Ribbon Week
Red Ribbon Week! Monday, October 24th, 2022: “Proud to be healthy.” Wear RED to kick off red ribbon week.
over 2 years ago, Conway Academy
Red Ribbon Week: Monday
Red Ribbon Week! Tuesday, October 25th, 2022: “Don’t get ‘Tied’ up with unhealthy choices!” Wear a tie or ribbon around your neck.
over 2 years ago, Conway Academy
Red Ribbon Week: Tuesday
Red Ribbon Week! Wednesday, October 26th, 2022: “Be a hero, not a zero.” Wear your favorite Superhero.
over 2 years ago, Conway Academy
Red Ribbon Week: Wednesday
Red Ribbon Week! Thursday, October 27th, 2022: “Chase away the blues with Conway blue.” Wear Conway blue.
over 2 years ago, Conway Academy
Red Ribbon Week: Thursday
Red Ribbon Week! Friday, October 28th, 2022: “Be what you want to be when you are healthy.” Wear a costume for our parade.
over 2 years ago, Conway Academy
Red Ribbon Week: Friday
Please join Mrs. Ellsworth, our Conway Instructional Coach, as she presents the impact this learning model is having in our students and our Conway community. When: Friday October 21 Time: 8:15 am Location: Room 5
over 2 years ago, Xochitl Maldonado
Please join Mrs. Ellsworth, our Conway Instructional Coach, as she presents the impact this learning model is having in our students and our Conway community. Acompañe a la Sra. Ellsworth, nuestra entrenadora de instrucción de Conway, demostrarnos  el impacto que este modelo de aprendizaje está teniendo en nuestros estudiantes y la comunidad de Conway.
Conway's EPIC Parade is back! Friday, October 28th, 2022. 8:05 am to 8:20 am. Please download the informational flyer below to read about the event and the dress code.
over 2 years ago, Conway Academy
Conway's EPIC Parade is back!
Attention 6th Grade Families! EUSD is excited to over a 4-Day / 3-Night 6th Grade Camp! Please download the flyer linked below for details on three parent informational meetings taking place on October 19th, October 20th, and October 24th.
over 2 years ago, Conway Academy
Camp Cuyamaca
Congratulations to Pablo, Olive, and Gilberto! These scholars were the recipients of the EUSD EXCELLENCE for Conway. Way to be EPIC!
over 2 years ago, Conway Academy
EUSD Excellence Award
Extended learning begins after school! Cre8 & Mad Science students discover unlimited potential in art and science. @EUSD @OserRick
over 2 years ago, Conway Academy
Conway Extended learning
Conway WEARS PINK to show support for the fighters and survivors of breast cancer! We celebrate the health and love we have for all the EPIC women and girls in our lives. #fightcancer #wearecrew #wearpink
over 2 years ago, Conway Academy
Crew spirit- pink out day