The Escondido Public Library is continuing to accept adult learners and conduct placement assessments for the next semester of its English as a Second Language classes, which begin this month. The classes are conducted through the library's adult literacy program. The library’s Literacy Services department also offers one-on-one tutoring, parent workshops, and other resources for adults. There is no cost for any of the adult literacy programs. To learn more, check the Literacy Services website, call 760-839-5440, or visit in person at 239 S. Kalmia Street. • Adult Literacy Program (Flyer): • Literacy Services Department: • Literacy Services Website:
about 2 years ago, Conway Academy
Escondido Public Library Adult Literacy Programs
New Student Registration is now open online for Transitional Kindergarten, Kindergarten, and Special Education Preschool. EUSD offers full-day Transitional Kindergarten and Kindergarten programs. For the 2023-2024 school year, children are eligible for TK if they turn 5 between September 2, 2023, and June 2, 2024. Students applying for Kindergarten must be age 5 on or before September 1, 2023. Students in EUSD TK and Kindergarten programs are eligible to participate in their school’s optional Expanded Learning program. To find your neighborhood school of residence, use our online school locator tool. For questions regarding Special Education Preschool or about your student’s Special Education needs for next school year, contact the team at: TK & Kinder New Student Registration for 2023-24: • Information for Transitional Kindergarten: • Online School Locator:
about 2 years ago, Conway Academy
TK & Kinder 2023-24 Registration OPEN!
We are excited to announce that Conway Elementary School is offering additional after school enrichment/ intervention clubs this winter. Here are the clubs offered this session: - MonART, 4th - 6th grade, Tuesday and Friday @ 2:40 - 3:40 pm - Dance to Evolve (Hip Hop), 5th-6th grade, Wednesday @ 2:40 - 3:40 pm - Dance to Evolve (Hip Hop), 2nd-4th grade, Monday @ 2:40 - 3:40 pm Classes/Clubs begin the week of January 23rd. If you are interested in your student participating, please contact Mrs. Melzer at (760)432-2435. Space is limited, so a wait list may be created based on overall interest. You will be notified via the email address you provide whether your child can be enrolled or will be placed on the wait list.
about 2 years ago, Xochitl Maldonado
Check out the after School Enrichment programs available at Conway this winter.
Programas de enriquecimiento después de la escuela disponibles en Conway este invierno.
Martin Luther King Jr Day. No School. Monday, January 16th, 2023.
about 2 years ago, Conway Academy
Martin Luther King Jr
Happy Wednesday Conway families! On behalf of PTA, we would like to inform you that the Conway PTA Association meeting has been postponed to a later date which is yet to be determined. Stay tuned for further details. Have a great rest of the week!
about 2 years ago, Xochitl Maldonado
PTA Association Meeting Postponed to a later date.
Reunión de la Asociación de PTA pospuesta para una fecha posterior.
Minimum School Day Friday, January 13th, 2023 TK to 6th Grade 8:00 am - 12:10 pm
about 2 years ago, Conway Academy
Minimum School Day
See how our Crew cultivated joy across campus these last few days. Wishing everyone a safe, healthy and joyful winter break. We are crew, not passengers. ❤️ #cultivatingjoy #EPICCONWAY @eleducation
about 2 years ago, Conway Academy
Workshop Wednesday spirit day
Crew spirit
Ugly Sweater day
cultivating joy
There is no WHO crew meeting today after school. Sorry for the late notice.
about 2 years ago, Conway Academy
WHO crew cancelled today
Just a friendly reminder that tomorrow is the last day of school before our Winter Break. School is out at 2:30 pm. Conway PTA will be selling Popsicles after school tomorrow. Each item is $1. Exact change is greatly appreciated. Winter Break December 22 - January 9 School resumes on Tuesday, January 10 at 8 am. Have a great Holiday!
about 2 years ago, Xochitl Maldonado
Winter break
Vacaciones de invierno
Tk families join us 12/21/22 at 2:15pm for this holiday event. Kindergarten families join us at 8:10am on 12/21/22. 🎄⛄️🔔🎅🏽🤶🏼
about 2 years ago, Conway Academy
TK and Kindergarten Sing-Alongs
Did you hear the news? We did it! Conway earned the EL Education full credential for remarkable results in MKS, character, and HQW. Read about it here- #EPICCONWAY
about 2 years ago, Conway Academy
Earned recognition
We did it!
A huge thank you to our Conway Community families for bringing back this EPIC tradition. Look at this incredible Cookie Walk you all created for our Conway Crew 💙🎄. #EPICCONWAY #cookiewalk #crewspirit
about 2 years ago, Conway Academy
Cookie walk
Crew cookie walk
Holiday / Winter Break. December 22nd to January 9th. NO SCHOOL.
about 2 years ago, Conway Academy
Holiday / Winter Break
Conway PTA would like to invite you to a fun family event, Thursday, December 15th from 5pm - 7 pm in the MPR. Join us for an evening filled with fun crafts, games, pictures with Santa and so much more! Hot cocoa and cookies will be sold for $1 each. Cash only. Exact change is greatly appreciated. ***************************************************************************** El PTA de Conway los invita a un evento familiar, Jueves 15 de diciembre de 5pm a 7pm en el auditorio. ¡Acompáñenos a una noche llena de manualidades divertidas, juegos, fotos con Santa y mucho más! Habra chocolate caliente y galletas a venta por solo $1 cada uno. Solo se acceptara dinero en efectivo. El cambio exacto es apreciado.
about 2 years ago, Xochitl Maldonado
Winter Wonderland family event.
Noche de invierno Maravillosa
Bravo! Mrs. Satterstrom, STEM teacher, received 3 grants at the Innovation awards! First teacher from one school to receive three for 1-Designing Maglev Trains: Engineering & Magnetism, 2-Designing Lighting; Systems: Engineering and Light, 3-Lego Robotics for Future Engineers
about 2 years ago, Tina Meglich
Innovation Awards
Congratulations to Lori Cisterna and Kailee Ennis for leading their first learning lab session titled, From Becoming Trauma-Informed to cultivating Post-Traumatic Growth at the EL Education Conference. Way to be EPIC CREW!
about 2 years ago, Tina Meglich
EPIC teachers!
Tis the season Crew, join us in bring the holiday spirit to our EPIC school.
about 2 years ago, Tina Meglich
Conway Holiday Spirit Days
Calling all bakers! Help us make our Annual Cookie a success by donating some tasty homemade goodies . Please drop off baked items to the front office this Wednesday, December 15th between 8 am & 3:30 pm and/or Thursday, December 16th before school. The MPR will be decorated and set up for teachers to choose the pastries of their liking. For more informaiton please contact Xochitl Maldonado at or call 760-432-2435 EXT 12005. Thank you! ¡Llamando a todos expertos en pasteleria! Ayúdenos a hacer que nuestra Barra Anual de Galletas y Postres Navideños ¡sea un éxito! Su familia puede ayudar simplemente donando algunos postresitos hechos en casa. Por favor deje su donación en la oficina principal este Miércoles 15 de diciembre de 8 am a 3:30 pm y/o Jueves, 16 de diciembre antes de las 8 am. El auditorio estará decorado y acondicionado para que los maestros elijan los postres de su agrado. Para obtener más información, comuníquese con Xochitl Maldonado por correo electronico a o llame al 760-432-2435 EXT 12005. ¡Gracias!
about 2 years ago, Xochitl Maldonado
Cookie Walk 2022
Conway PTA is having an EPIC Swag Sale! Shop this Thursday or Friday, before and after school in room 5. Items include previous Conway logo's. Hoodies - $15 each Shirts - $5 each Masks - $1 each Forms of payment being accepted include CASH or CHECK only. Exact change is greatly appreciated. ********************************************************************* ¡El PTA de Conway está teniendo una venta EPIC ! Compre este jueves o viernes, antes y después de la escuela en el salón 5. Los artículos incluyen el logotipo anterior de Conway. Sudaderas - $15 cada una Camisas - $5 cada una Mascarillas - $1 cada una Se accepta pagos hechos en efectivo o cheque solamente. El pago exacto es muy apreciado.
about 2 years ago, Xochitl Maldonado
Conway PTA is having an EPIC Swag Sale! Come shop in room 5 for discounted counted Conway Swag Thursday or Friday before and after school.  Limited sizes & quantities. While supplies last.
Hoodies $15 Shirts $5
Masks $1
Conway families, you are invited to learn how to paint a cardinal in the snow. Led by a local artist, Denae Senise. Supplies will be provided during the event. Bring your favorite mug so we can all enjoy a cup of Hot Chocolate while we create. Join us Friday, December 9th, at 1:00 pm Room 5, Family Engagement Center Please RSVP with our site Family Liaison Ms. Maldonado at or call 760-432-2435 EXT 12005. Thank you!
about 2 years ago, Xochitl Maldonado
Parents you are invited to learn how to paint a cardinal in the snow. Friday, December 9th at 1 pm in room 5. Supplies will be provided day of the event.
Padres de familia están invitados a aprender a pintar un cardenal en la nieve. Viernes 9 de diciembre a las 13:00 horas en el salón 5. Materiales seran proporcionados el día del evento.