District Leaders, Assistant Superintendent, Mrs. Frank and Director, Mr. Ngo of Human Resource are greeted by our student ambassadors, Royce and Alejandro. Classroom greeters then shared their expeditions either our guests. #epicconway #studentleadership @eleducation
10 months ago, Tina Meglich
District Leaders visit
HR visits classrooms
Family Day at Lunch for families of students in 2nd & 3rd grade is scheduled for Friday, April 12 in the MPR. Families are invited to bring a store bought meal, homemade meal or purchase a school lunch here. *If rain is forecast, the event will be rescheduled for a future date. 3rd Grade Lunch is from 11:10 am - 11:50 AM 2nd Grade Lunch is from 12:00 pm - 12:40 pm A future Family Day at Lunch is in the works. If you plan to attend, please preregister by clicking on the link provided below before Thursday, April 11 at noon. https://forms.gle/8MGfvASspSUMcDHb6 Thank you! ********* El Día Familiar en el Almuerzo para familias de estudiantes de 2do y 3er grado está programado para el viernes 12 de abril en el MPR. Se invita a las familias a traer una comida comprada en la tienda, una comida casera o comprar un almuerzo escolar. *Si se pronostica lluvia, el evento será reprogramado para una fecha futura. El almuerzo de 3er grado es de 11:10 a. m. a 11:50 a. m. El almuerzo de 2do grado es de 12:00 pm a 12:40 pm. Se está preparando un futuro Día de Alamuerzo Familiar. Si planea asistir, pedimos pre-regístración antes del jueves 11 de abril al mediodía al enlace de acontinuación https://forms.gle/8MGfvASspSUMcDHb6 Gracias.
10 months ago, Xochitl Maldonado
Family Day at Lunch for families of students in 2nd & 3rd grade is scheduled for Friday, April 12 in the MPR. Families are invited to bring a store bought meal, homemade meal or purchase a school lunch here. *If rain is forecast, the event will be rescheduled for a future date. 3rd Grade Lunch is from 11:10 am - 11:50 AM. 2nd Grade Lunch is from 12:00 pm - 12:40 pm. A future Family Day at Lunch is in the works. If you plan to attend, please preregister before Thursday, April 11 at noon.
El Día Familiar en el Almuerzo para familias de estudiantes de 2do y 3er grado está programado para el viernes 12 de abril en el MPR. Se invita a las familias a traer aquí una comida comprada en la tienda, una comida casera o comprar un almuerzo escolar. *Si se pronostica lluvia, el evento será reprogramado para una fecha futura. El almuerzo de 3.er grado es de 11:10 a. m. a 11:50 a. m. El almuerzo de 2do grado es de 12:00 pm a 12:40 pm. Se está preparando un futuro Día Familiar durante el almuerzo. Si planea asistir, regístrese previamente antes del jueves 11 de abril al mediodía.
ConwayArrival and Dismissal Procedures Student SAFETY is a top priority and we want to work together to create the safest environment. In the event that you need to enter the school premises for any reason during school hours, staff will request that you enter only through the main entrance, sign in, and obtain a visitor’s pass. Staff Supervision The campus opens at 7:35 am. Staff supervision begins at 7:30 am at the front of the school. The gates open at 7:35 am for students to proceed to their classroom lines. The 5-minute warning bell rings at 7:55 am for teachers to pick up students at their lines. The playground will NOT be monitored or supervised in the morning. Students arriving earlier than 7:30 am are welcome to apply to the morning YMCA Legends program available at no cost to our families. For safety reasons, students SHOULD NOT be dropped off prior to 7:30 am. Drivers must comply with designated school drop-off/pick-up and parking procedures. Drop-Off Procedures When dropping your student off via car, please pull your car up as far as possible at the front curb of the school. Do not get out of your car while in this drop off line. Students should exit from the passenger side of the car ONLY. If you need to assist your child in leaving the car, please find a parking spot on the street, and assist your student by walking them up to the main entrance. If crossing the street, USE THE CROSSWALK! Handicap parking is available in the south parking lot in the event that you need to enter the building for any reason. Students must be escorted at all times when walking through any parking lot. There is NO student pick-up or drop-off allowed in any of our lots. NO CARS WILL BE ALLOWED TO DROP OFF IN THE PARKING LOTS. Pick-up / Parking Procedures All students will be dismissed by 2:30 p.m. M,T,W, F and 12:15 p.m. Thursday in accordance with the Student Dismissal from School policy and procedures. Classes are escorted by teachers to the front of the school by classroom teachers. Students sit and wait until they are dismissed. All teachers are responsible for the dismissal of his or her class at the end of the day. Teachers will see that each student is released from the grassy area when the parent or guardian has arrived. Students enrolled and participating in an aftercare program, YMCA Program, will go from their classrooms to the MPR or other designated area. Appropriate YMCA and School personnel will take attendance. At the end of the school day, only buses will be allowed to drive through the main parking lot entrance. Gates will close after buses are in and will reopen fifteen minutes after dismissal. All families should line vehicles up on the white curb or park on Conway Drive to pick up their students. Handicap parking is available in the south lot at the end of the day for families that need to enter the building for any reason at dismissal or walk up to pick up their student. There is NO student pick-up or drop-off allowed in any of our lots. Students must be escorted at all times when walking through a parking lot. If siblings are to go home together, it is important both classroom teachers are aware of this arrangement and/or the siblings’ meeting location. Any student, who ordinarily is picked up at school by an adult, but the adult fails to collect the student at dismissal, will be sent or brought to the main office. They should not leave school grounds. An adult will need their government issued ID to pick-up the student. NO CARS WILL BE ALLOWED TO PICK UP IN THE PARKING LOTS. Let’s work together to keep our students safe!
10 months ago, Tina Meglich
Drop off procedure
Pick-up procedures
After School Enrichment - Spring Session. April 8th to May 31st. If you are interested in having your student attend the next session of After School Enrichment classes, please fill out the interest form linked here: https://tinyurl.com/ycxz25h2 . Please keep in mind that filling out the interest form DOES NOT enroll your student. After the interest form is filled out, a permission slip will be sent home for the parent/guardian to sign. Permission slips must be returned to the school office. Families will then be notified if students have been ENROLLED or placed on a WAITLIST. Please see the English & Spanish flyer linked here for more information: https://tinyurl.com/mr9jfewe
10 months ago, Tina Meglich
After School Enrichment
Enriqueciemiento despues de escuela
Attention Conway Families, Summer Program are available. EUSD will be sending out summer program confirmation emails in the very near future and we noticed Conway only has 52 students signed up for the 4-week summer program. Don't miss this wonderful free opportunity! See the informational flyer and interest survey here https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSc7OmOQBY26CqrIpF8-Z3M_UCEjI-bsDN829wxkjM6MEQyWBA/viewform.
10 months ago, Tina Meglich
Summer Program
Programa de verano
After School Enrichment - Spring Session. April 8th to May 31st. If you are interested in having your student attend the next session of After School Enrichment classes, please fill out the interest form linked here: https://tinyurl.com/ycxz25h2 . Please keep in mind that filling out the interest form DOES NOT enroll your student. After the interest form is filled out, a permission slip will be sent home for the parent/guardian to sign. Permission slips must be returned to the school office. Families will then be notified if students have been ENROLLED or placed on a WAITLIST. Please see the English & Spanish flyer linked here for more information: https://tinyurl.com/mr9jfewe
11 months ago, Conway Academy
After School Enrichment Spring Session
Greetings Conway families, Tomorrow is an early release day which means students will get out at 12:10 pm. We also want to invite families to our Spring Break Kick Off at Sky Zone!!! Our EPIC Conway PTA will be having a Fundraising event to benefit school programs at Sky Zone San Marcos 860 Los Vallecios Blvd, San Marcos CA 92069 Wednesday March 20th from 1:30 pm - 8 pm. Fundraiser Musts: - Mention you are supporting Conway Academy at the time of purchase - MUST purchase a 2 hour Jump Pass ($22 per jumper) - Bring your own Sky Zone socks or purchase a pair on site for $5 - Participants must sign Sky Zone waiver ********************************* Saludos familias de Conway, Mañana es un día de salida temprana, eso significa que los estudiantes saldrán a las 12:10 p.m. También queremos invitar a las familias a ¡¡¡comienzar las vacaciones de primavera en Sky Zone!!! Nuestro EPIC PTA de Conway tendrá un evento de recaudación de fondos para beneficiar los programas escolares de nuestra escuela en Sky Zone San Marcos 860 Los Vallecios Blvd, San Marcos CA 92069 Miércoles 20 de marzo de 1:30 pm - 8 pm. Requisitos para una recuadación de fondos efectiva: - Mencione que apoya a Conway Academy al momento de la compra. - DEBE comprar un Jump Pass de 2 horas ($22 por participante) - Trae tus propios calcetines Sky Zone o compra un par por $5 - Los participantes deben firmar la exención de Sky Zone
11 months ago, Xochitl Maldonado
Spring Break Kick Off at Sky Zone!!! Our EPIC Conway PTA will be having a Fundraising event to benefit school programs at Sky Zone San Marcos on 860 Los Vallecios Blvd, San Marcos CA 92069 Wednesday March 20th from 1:30 pm - 8 pm. Fundraiser Musts: Mention you are supporting Conway Academy at the time of purchase - MUST purchase a 2 hour Jump Pass ($22 per jumper) - Bring your own Sky Zone socks or purchase a pair on site for $5 - Participants must sign Sky Zone waiver
¡¡¡Celebra el inicio de las vacaciones de primavera en Sky Zone!!! Nuestra PTA de EPIC Conway tendrá un evento de recaudación de fondos para beneficiar los programas escolares en Sky Zone San Marcos en 860 Los Vallecios Blvd, San Marcos CA 92069 el miércoles 20 de marzo de 1:30 pm a 8 pm. Obligaciones para la recaudación de fondos: Mencione que está apoyando a Conway Academy al momento de la compra - DEBE comprar un Jump Pass de 2 horas ($22 por saltador) - Traiga sus propios calcetines Sky Zone o compre un par en el sitio por $5 - Los participantes deben firmar la exención de Sky Zone
Sprint Picture Day is Wednesday, April 3rd Order forms have been sent home. Additional forms can be found in our front office. *** Only students who have submitted an order form online or in person will have their picture taken*** For more information or to place your order online, please visit www.shopstudio1.com Enter School Code: N720 to choose Conway Elementary School. Feel free to text your questions to Studio 1 at (413) 287-1234 Monday through Friday from 9 am - 5 pm.
11 months ago, Xochitl Maldonado
Spring Pictures Wednesday, April 3rd ***Only  students who have submitted an order form will have their picture taken
Fotos de primavera Miércoles 3 de abril ***Solo se tomarán fotografías a los estudiantes que hayan enviado un formulario de pedido.
Greetings Conway families! We would like to invite you all to attend a very important Community Crew Hall Meeting Monday, March 18th in our school library at 3 pm. We invite families to join the discussion about the budget deficit. Stay informed, offer solutions and hear how Conway will persevere during challenging times. Speakers: Mrs. Meglich Conway Academy Principal and other school staff members For more information please contact our school office at (760)432-2435. We hope to see you there!
11 months ago, Xochitl Maldonado
Conway Academy would like to invite you all to attend a very important  Community Crew Hall Meeting  Monday, March 18th in our school library at 3 pm.  We invite families to join the discussion about the budget deficit. Stay informed, offer solutions and hear how Conway will persevere during challenging times.  Speakers: Mrs. Meglich Conway Academy Principal and other school staff members For more information please contact our school office at (760)432-2435. We hope to see you there!
Conway Academy desea invitarlos a todos a asistir a una reunión muy importante Reunión del salón de la tripulación comunitaria Lunes 18 de marzo en la biblioteca de nuestra escuela a las 3 pm. Invitamos a las familias a unirse a la discusión sobre el déficit presupuestario. Manténgase informado, ofrezca soluciones y escuche cómo Conway perseverará en tiempos difíciles. Oradores: Sra. Meglich Conway Directora de la Academia y otros miembros del personal de la escuela Para obtener más información, comuníquese con nuestra oficina escolar al (760)432-2435. ¡Esperamos verte ahí!
Join us at our next Parent Crew session at Conway! Families are invited to connect with other Conway parents and learn ways to best support their child's social, emotional growth and development. Friday, March 15th 1 pm in room 5 Topic of discussion: Effective Communication between parents and children Presented by Alejandra Ramos Almaraz Future Meeting Dates Friday April 26 and May 31. For more information please contact Xochitl Maldonado (760) 432-2435 EXT 12005 or email xmaldonado@eusd.org ********************************************************************************** ¡Acomáñenos a nuestra próxima sesión de Parent Crew en Conway! Se invita a familias a conectarse con otros padres de Conway y aprender formas de mejor apoyar el crecimiento y desarrollo social y emocional de sus hijos. Viernes 15 de marzo a las 8:30 am en el salón 5 Tema de discusión: Comunicación efectiva entre padres e hijos. Presentado por Alejandra Ramos Almaraz Fechas futuras de reuniones Viernes 26 de abril y 31 de mayo. Para más información por favor contacte a Xochitl Maldonado (760) 432-2435 EXT 12005 o envíe un correo electrónico a xmaldonado@eusd.org
11 months ago, Xochitl Maldonado
Parent Crew Families are invited to connect with other Conway parents and learn ways to best support their childs's social, emotional growth and development. March 15th 1 pm in room 5. Topic of discussion: Effective Communication between parents and children presented by Alejandra Ramos Almaraz. Future Meeting Friday April 26 and May 31. For more information please contact Xochitl Maldonado (760) 432-2435 EXT 12005 or email xmaldonado@eusd.org
Se invita a las familias de Parent Crew a conectarse con otros padres de Conway y aprender formas de apoyar mejor el crecimiento y desarrollo social y emocional de sus hijos. 15 de marzo 8:30 am en el salón 5. Tema de discusión: Comunicación efectiva entre padres e hijos presentado por Alejandra Ramos Almaraz. Futura reunión viernes 26 de abril y 31 de mayo. Para más información por favor comuníquese con Xochitl Maldonado (760) 432-2435 EXT 12005 o envíe un correo electrónico a xmaldonado@eusd.org
Our EPIC Yearbook Committee has been working on our annual Yearbook and we are so excited to see their final product. In the meantime, we would like to give our families the opportunity to pre-order and save! Pre-order a yearbook before April 30th for only $15. Yearbook price will increase to $20 on May 1st. ATTENTION FAMILIES OF 5th & 6th GRADE STUDENTS!!! You can add a personalized dedication message for your student for only $5. **100 word maximum **Last day to submit a dedication message & payment is Friday, March 15 FAMILIES OF 6th GRADE STUDENTS!! Did you know Conway Academy gifts each 6th grade student a yearbook? Yes, that is correct! Each 6th grade student will be gifted a yearbook as a celebratory gift for all their EPIC efforts as a scholar and active citizen. Conway PTA invites families to add a personalized dedication message for their student in the yearbook for only $5. To PRE-ORDER a yearbook and/or add a dedication, please click on the link provided below and/or stop by the front office for a paper form. https://my.cheddarup.com/c/year-book-2023-24?cart=d67fe4c9-7327-406c-a8c5-9d60839081b2%21%2174567199 For more information, contact Conway PTA via email at epicconwaypta@gmail.com ___________________________ Nuestro EPIC Comité de Anuario ha estado trabajando en nuestro Anuario de este año escolar y estamos muy emocionados de ver su producto final. Mientras tanto, nos gustaría darles a nuestras familias la oportunidad de ¡preordenar y ahorrar! Reserva un anuario antes del 30 de abril por sólo $15. El precio del anuario aumentará a $20 el 1 de mayo. ¡¡¡ATENCIÓN FAMILIAS DE ESTUDIANTES DE 5TO Y 6TO GRADO!!! Agregue un mensaje personalizado a su estudiante por solo $5. **100 palabras máximo **El último día para programar su dedicación y pago es el viernes 15 de marzo ¡¡FAMILIAS DE ESTUDIANTES DE 6TO GRADO!! ¿Sabía que Conway Academy le regala un anuario a cada estudiante de sexto grado? ¡Si, eso es correcto! Cada estudiante de sexto grado recibirá un anuario como celebración de todo su esfuerzo EPIC académico y como ciudadano activo. El PTA de Conway invita a familias a agregar un mensaje de dedicación personalizado para su estudiante en el anuario por solo $5. Para RESERVAR un anuario y/o agregar una dedicatoria, haga clic en el enlace que se proporciona a continuación y/o pase por la oficina principal para obtener un formulario en papel. https://my.cheddarup.com/c/year-book-2023-24?cart=d67fe4c9-7327-406c-a8c5-9d60839081b2%21%2174567199 Para más información, por favor comuniquese con el PTA de Conway por correo electronico al epicconwaypta@gmail.com
11 months ago, Xochitl Maldonado
PRE-ORDER Conway School's 2023-2024 Yearbook for only $15 TODAY!!! **Yearbook price will increase to $20 after April 30.
¡¡¡PRE ORDENE EL Anuario 2023-2024 de la Escuela Conway por solo $ 15 HOY!!! **El precio del anuario aumentará a $20 después del 30 de abril.
Reminder: Last day of ELOP (After School Enrichment ) is as follows for the following programs... Flag Rugby: Friday, 3/15 Cre8 Art: Wednesday, 3/13 Ballet Folklorico: Tuesday, 3/12 (Final Performance for Conway families in the MPR 2:45-3:45 pm) Children's Discovery Museum: Friday, 3/15 _____________________________________________________________ Recordatorio: Últimos días para programas de ELOP (enriquecimiento después de la escuela) son los siguientes... Flag Rugby: viernes 3/15 Arte Cre8: miércoles 3/13 Ballet Folklórico: martes 3/12 (Presentación final para familias de Conway en el MPR 2:45-3:45 pm) Children's Discovery Museum: viernes 3/15
11 months ago, Xochitl Maldonado
Reminder: Last day of ELOP (After School Enrichment) Flag Rugby: Friday, 3/15 Cre8 Art: Wednesday, 3/13 Ballet Folklorico: Tuesday, 3/12 (Final Performance in the MPR 2:45-3:45 pm) Children's Discovery Museum: Friday, 3/15
Recordatorio: Último día de ELOP (Enriquecimiento después de la escuela) Flag Rugby: viernes 15/3 Arte Cre8: miércoles 13/3 Ballet Folklórico: martes 12/3 (Actuación final en el MPR 2:45-3:45 pm) Children's Discovery Museum: viernes 15 de marzo
Conway Community, the SmArt festival is Saturday, March 9, 2024 from 10am - 1pm. Come see your student's high quality works of art & performances. It's Free & Open to the Public at the California Center for the Arts in Escondido, inside the Center Theater. See you there!
11 months ago, Tina Meglich
SmArt festival
Celebrating our EPIC social worker this week. Grateful that Miss Daisy found her way to Conway. In a short time, she's already made an impact. She helps us put the pieces together.
11 months ago, Tina Meglich
epic social worker
social workers rock
grateful for social workers
Crew BLUE Celebration Thursday assembly at 8am today. Families are welcome! EARLY RELEASE 12:15pm.
11 months ago, Tina Meglich
Crew blue
Our very own EPIC student was announced today as one of the 6 new student members to be in the 2024 cohort of the EL Education Student Advisory Council. We are so proud of her leadership and commitment to getting smart by doing good in the world. Read the announcement at https://eleducation.org/news-and-events/blog/ announcing-el-educations-2024-student-advisory-cohort/?mc_cid=e1d4c6d672&mc_eid=ff839e0a90 #epicconway @eusd #studentleaders
11 months ago, Tina Meglich
Student advisory council
On behalf of W.H.O. Crew we want to thank YOU for the canned food donations. A total of 230 items were collected and delivered by a few W.H.O. Crew members to our local Interfaith Center. Thank you Conway Community for helping contribute to a better world. You are incredible!!!
11 months ago, Xochitl Maldonado
Image Description: The number 230 and images of canned food all over the poster. Image Text: Thank you for your can donations. You are incredible!
Image Description: 4 girls in front of a building with canned food items in a cart behind them. Image Text: Love W.H.O. Crew Stay Positive with a smiley face
Image Description: Brown badge in a carton box with hand made
Family Day at Lunch is a day where families can bring their student lunch or purchase lunch from our cafeteria to enjoy. Food purchased outside or made at home will be for your student only and must not be shared with other students. We also ask that younger sibling guests be supervised by parents/guardians at all times. Play equipment is for Conway students only. 1st & 4th grade Family Day at Lunch will take place in our MPR. If rain is forecasted for the day of the event, we will cancel and will reschedule for a future date. Friday, March 8th 11:10 - 11:50 am 4th grade 12:00 - 12:40 pm 1st grade **Maximum 4 guests including children.** If you plan to join us on Friday for our 1st & 4th grade Family Day at Lunch, please pre-register by submitting this form no later than 12 pm on Thursday, March 7th. https://forms.gle/2UKrNgj97XFqkc1A7 ______________________ El Día de Almuerzo Familiar es un día en el que las familias pueden traer el almuerzo a sus estudiantes o comprarlo en nuestra cafetería. Los alimentos comprados afuera o hechos en casa serán solo para su estudiante y no deben compartirse con otros estudiantes. También le pedimos que los invitados de los hermanos menores sean supervisados ​​por los padres/tutores en todo momento. El equipo de juego es solo para estudiantes de Conway. El Día de Almuerzo Familiar para 1er y 4º grado se llevará a cabo en nuestro MPR. Si se pronostica lluvia para el día del evento, cancelaremos y reprogramaremos para una fecha futura. viernes 8 de marzo 11:10 - 11:50 am 4to grado 12:00 - 12:40 pm 1er grado **Máximo 4 invitados incluyendo niños.** Si planea acompañarnos este viernes para nuestro Día de Almuerzo Familiar para 1er y 4to grado, por favor regístrese antes de las 12 pm el jueves, 7 de marzo. https://forms.gle/2UKrNgj97XFqkc1A7
11 months ago, Xochitl Maldonado
Image Description: Family of 4 what appears to be a mom dad and young boy and young daughter in front of a picnic blanket and picnic basket full of food items under a blue sky with colorful banner with triangle flags. Image Text: Family Day at Lunch Fridady March 8th for 1st & 4th Grade Families in the MPR. Families are invited to bring a store bought meal, homemade meal or purchase a school lunch here.  If rain is forecast this event will be rescheduled for a future date. 4th grade lunch 11:10 am - 11:50 am and 1st grade lunch 12pm-12:40 pm . Future Family Day at Lunch is scheduled for 2nd & 3rd grade families for Friday April 12, 2024. Please pre-register by scanning the QR code on the flyer no later than Thursday, March 7 at 12 pm.
Happy National School Social Work Week Ms. Daisy! Social workers do help us put the pieces together. Help us show Ms. Daisy how much we appreciate her this week! Wednesday - Bring her a sweet treat Thursday - Draw her a picture or write her a note of appreciation Friday - Bring her a flower or surprise her with a special something! * Students can drop off items in room 22* ______________________________________________________ ¡Feliz Semana Nacional de Trabajo Social Escolar Señorita Daisy! Los trabajadores sociales nos ayudan a unir las piezas. ¡Ayúdenos a mostrarle a la Señorita Daisy cuánto la apreciamos esta semana! Miércoles: Tráele algo dulce. Jueves: Hazle un dibujo o escríbele una nota de agradecimiento. Viernes - ¡Tráele una flor o sorpréndela con algo especial! * Los estudiantes pueden dejar sus regalitos en el salón 22*
11 months ago, Xochitl Maldonado
Image Description: Flowers all around the flyer with a heart puzzle in the middle.  Image Text: Happy National School Social Work Week Ms. Daisy! Social workers do help us put the pieces together. Let's show her how much we appreciate her this week! Wednesday - Bring her a sweet treat Thursday -  Draw her a picture or write her a note of appreciation Friday - Bring her a flower or surprise  her with a special something! * Students can drop off items in room 22*
Descripción de la imagen: Flores alrededor del volante con un rompecabezas de corazón en el medio. Texto de la imagen: ¡Feliz Semana Nacional del Trabajo Social Escolar, Sra. Daisy! Los trabajadores sociales nos ayudan a unir las piezas. ¡Mostrémosle cuánto la apreciamos esta semana! Miércoles - Llévale algo dulce Jueves - Hazle un dibujo o escríbele una nota de agradecimiento Viernes - ¡Tráe una flor o sorpréndela con algo especial! * Los estudiantes pueden dejar sus regalitos en el salón 22*
Hey Crew! Your jackets, sweaters, coats, water bottles, gloves etc are all missing you. Please find your missing articles before spring break. All items left behind will be donated.
11 months ago, Tina Meglich
Lost and found