Leadership team rolled up their sleeves to unpack site goals and create our work plan (action plan) for continual improvement. #epicconway
Our Conway Crew back together again on this first teacher day. #epicconway #wearecrew
If you would like your child to be considered for enrollment in the grant funded After School Education and Safety (ASES) program, please apply below.
Please ignore the form deadline date on the Kinder to 6th Grade form. Enrollment interest forms are still being accepted.
TK After School Program (https://bit.ly/3zFxZ9a)
Kinder to 6th After School Program (https://bit.ly/3JdIljE)
Thursday, July 28th to Monday, August 1st
8:00 am - 3:00 pm
Enrollment assistance for the 2022-23 school year will be available to all Conway families.
If you have any questions, please call the Conway School office at 760-432-2435.
Attention Conway TK & Kinder Families!
Conway is proud to announce that the TK & Kinder Orientation will take place on August 8th at 5:00 pm and at 6:00 pm.
Families will have the choice of attending one orientation. Please note that due to limited space, we ask that you only bring the student and no other siblings.
We strongly encourage our families to bring an interpreter to assist in translation if needed.
Returning Student Enrollment for 2022-2023
Conway Parents / Guardians:
It is now time to complete your student's annual mandatory emergency card information and registration online!! Please update your student's information at the PowerSchool Parent Portal linked below:
All information must be updated prior to returning to school on August 9th. If you have not completed your emergency contact and registration for the 2022-23 school year, you will receive a phone call from the school office.
If you have questions, the office will be open on July 28th at 7:30 am. Our phone number is 760-432-2435.
The last day of school is a minimum day!
June 14th, 2022
Kinder to 6th Grade
8:00 am - 12:10 pm
Performing to the delight and amazement of Conway School's student body, the BMX Freestylers Team thrilled the students with a gravity-defying BMX stunt show On Friday.
The 45 minute show focused on safety, motivational words, and tricks. A highlight of the performance was when BMX rider leaped over principal Tina Meglich, not once but twice!
The program was sponsored in part by Conway PTA.
The collection of all district-issued materials, devices, and accessories, including textbooks, school library books, iPads, chargers and cords, and hotspots is set to begin this Friday and Monday.
We had an incredible turn-out at our Celebration of Learning. Thank you to all our families and community members that showed up and experienced that passion of our students as they shared inspiring high quality work.
#ChooseEUSD #schoolofchoice #EpicConway
The vibrant classrooms of Quantum Academy are filled with collaboration, creativity, critical thinking, and project based learning! What a great visit today. #ChooseEUSD #LearnwithEUSD #magnetschool #QuantumAcademy #schoolofchoice #PBL