Week 28 - March 5th 2023
Responsibility for Learning
Learning is both a personal process of discovery and a social activity. Everyone learns both individually and as part of a group. Every aspect of our speciality school encourages both students and adults to become increasingly responsible for directing their own personal and collective learning. - Design Principle 3, Responsiblity for Learning was experienced inside and outside our classrooms this week. EL Education is driven by 10 design principles that set the foundation for our model. Read more about he 10 design principles here.
A huge shout-out to all our families that supported our learners this week at our Student-Led Conferences. It was a remarkable show of engagement and our students proudly shared their progress so far. Read more here- https://conway.eusd.org/o/conway/article/1026606
This week we hosted a special guest from the Central Valley that brought fresh produce to our learners. The Farm to School brought to us by the Food 4 Thought group provided students nutritional information and the opportunity to shop at this event. Read and see photos here https://conway.eusd.org/o/conway/article/1020551.
We were thrilled to honor our Classified Employee of the year, Maria Gomez, our EPIC cafeteria manager who works so hard to prepare the most delicious meals for our students. She goes above and beyond to extend the crew spirit into every aspect of the kitchen. Congratulations Maria! #Lunchladiesrock.
W.H.O. (We Help Others) Crew needs your help! Let’s all help people in our community stay warm! Please donate new blankets, jackets, beanies, socks, and scarves to Interfaith Community Center. Drop off donations to the W.H.O Crew bin by 3/8/23. And “Remember, it feels good to do good.” Listen to the students call to action here
Last month, 2nd grade WHO crew student, Hazel, dropped off all food canned donations to Interfaith Community. Together we can Make The World A Better Place.
The Local Control and Accountability Plan Survey provides input and helps influence EUSD’s educational priorities and budgetary spending. Each district’s LCAP must be built around eight priority areas identified by the California Department of Education:
- Access to core services
- Implementation of Common Core State Standards
- Access to a broad course of study
- Student achievement
- Other student outcomes
- Student engagement
- Parent involvement
- School climate
But while these priority areas are dictated by the State, the specific goals and targets within each area are largely determined by each school district.
In other words, LCAP helps ensure that EUSD — not Sacramento — will have more authority to spend precious resources in a way that is better aligned with the needs of the Escondido community and our students Click on the link below to share YOUR thoughts.
Finally, SAVE the DATE for this year’s STEM Challenge, Saturday, March 11th at Rincon Middle School and will showcase teams of 5th grade and 8th grade STEM students. The time will be approximately 8AM - 12 Noon. The format for STEM Challenge 2023 will be very similar to last year’s event with the math & science task competition followed by the Trē∙o∙bytes engineering task competition. Come and cheer Conway students on!
I am grateful for the opportunity to inspire students to discover their unlimited potential through Excellence, Perseverance, Integrity, and Compassion. Together we are creating an EPIC school. We are in this together and believe, We Are Crew, not passengers.
EPIC Awards are coming
Report Cards mailed home 3/10/23
Social Worker Week!
Let’s shower her with our Crew Spirit! Bring here a flower, special note, sweet treat, or draw her a picture!
Yearbooks ON SALE!
We have officially entered the second half of the school year, which means that the end of the year preparations have begun. With that being said, you do not want to miss your chance on a good deal. Yearbooks are ONLY $15 now through March 24th. Yearbook price will increase to $20 after March 24. Pre-order your yearbook today, and save!
Did you know that ALL 6th grade students get a Yearbook as a parting gift from the school? 6th grade families, you DO NOT NEED to preorder a yearbook for your student because it will be given to them when the time comes.
Yearbook Dedications
Is your child in 5th or 6th grade? If so, we would like to invite you to add a personalized message or dedication for your student in our yearbook for only $5. Forms were sent home last week but if you would like another copy, please feel free to stop by the calendar located in front of the office and grab another copy. As always, feel free to contact Conway PTA if you have any questions at epicconwaypta@gmail.com or stop by the Family Engagement Center in room 5.
After School Program Openings
YMCA before and after school programs support children in reaching their full potential by providing academic support and hands-on enrichment experiences in a safe and structured environment for children grades kindergarten through middle school. Located directly on your child’s school campus, they partner with the school by working directly with teachers to support student learning. Our staff design engaging enrichment activities to help support your child’s learning in all areas in addition to all the programs already available at your site. The YMCA’s Expanded Learning Programs are before and after school (and summer) programs funded by the California Department of Education in partnership with local school districts. CONWAY YMCA LEGENDS PROGRAM HAS OPEN SPOTS AVAILABLE! If you would like your child to be considered for enrollment NOW in the grant-funded program, please fill out this form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd0S_MbRgH-D9-WzWJdR3Ftq1MPU86FhNiXH_F1XqF4afHvBA/viewform If you have questions, please contact Ms. Gracie Joya via email at conwayelp@ymcasd.org or via phone at (619)972-9759.
College & Crew Celebration
3/9/23 Thursdays, 8:00 - 8:15 am
Parents, you are invited to join us every Thursday at our weekly College and Crew Celebration. Students are recognized for EPIC scholarly, active citizen, and athletic achievement. Watch our students lead the EPIC Rap!
Crew Spirit Day - Kick off to Read Across America
Family Engagement
EUSD would like to invite you to learn strategies for the entire family to manage stress and experience a healthy and joyful life. Save the Date! Developing Health Habits Virtual Workshop Wednesday, March 8 English 6:30 - 7:30 p.m. https://eusd.zoom.us/j/86540967002? pwd=clZwSHJPTzE1ZjFDcVVOZGhsUjZsZz09 Meeting ID: 865 4096 7002 Passcode: families Español 5:00 - 6:00 p.m. https://eusd.zoom.us/j/88024094772? pwd=alQwNEQ0dm5NNEZIMUtkREs3WnUxUT09 Meeting ID: 880 2409 4772 Passcode: familias
Support our Cougar Store!
Looking Ahead
Here is a recap of this week and future events to mark your calendar. Stay tuned for specific details as events draw closer.
Monday School Social Worker Week!
7:35 am Running club 1st - 3rd grade
1:30 - 2:30 pm Volunteer Crew (come help our Crew!)
2:40 - 3:40 pm Dance to Evolve & Math Intervention
2:40 - 4:10 pm Girls on the Run, 3rd - 6th rm 41
Tuesday Bring a flower to your social worker!
7:35 am Running club 4th - 6th grade,
2:35 - 3:15pm Ambassador & Celebration Crews room 4
2:40 - 4:50 pm SD Children’s Museum
2:40- 3:40 pm Math Intervention 5th & Monart Art 3 - 6th
2:40 - 4:50 pm SD Children’s Museum
2:40 - 3:40 pm Writing Revolution, 5th & 6th, rm 41
Wednesday Write a special note to your social worker!
7:35 am Running club 1st - 3rd
8:00 - 9:00 am Volunteer Crew
2:30 - 4:30 pm STEM Challenge, Mr. Williams, rm 42
2:40 - 3:40 pm Dance to Evolve 1 - 2nd MPR
2:40 - 3:30 pm Weebots 1st - 2nd, rm 8
2:40 - 3:30 pm WHO CREW room 17, 2nd & 3rd grades
2:40 - 3:30 pm Garden Crew, Math Intervention 5th, Video crew
2:40 - 4:50 pm SD Children’s Museum, TK - 2nd rm 27
2:40- 3:40 pm First Lego League 4th - 6th
2:40 - 4:10 pm Girls on the Run, 3rd - 6th rm 41
Thursday Bring a sweet treat to your social worker!
EPIC Awards - 1st & 3rd
Wear Crew Blue!
8:00am College & Crew Celebration, parents welcome
12:15 pm Early Release! Kona Ice day
12:15 - 1:15pm STEM Challenge, Mr. Williams rm 42
Friday Draw a picture for our social worker!
EPIC Awards - 4th, 5th, 6th, and 2nd grades
Band Day, Conway Spirit Day - Wild & Wacky Day!
7:35 - 7:50 am Running Club - 4 - 6th
2:40 - 3:10 pm Tech Crew
2:40 - 3:40 pm Monart Art 4-6th
Report cards mailed home today
Saturday 8:00 am - 12:00pm STEM CHALLENGE DAY - Rincon Middle