This week Conway hosted twenty-five school leaders from the EL Education West Region. Administrators from EL Schools in Oregon, Idaho, Sacramento, San Fransisco, Campbell, Ventura, Orange, and Tahoe area landed at Conway to experience how learning comes to life at Conway.

Their full day visit began with a welcome by our student ambassadors, Aubrey, Allison, Olive, Stella, Dulce, and Alejandro. These students explained how the day and life of an EPIC cougar is supported through the three dimensions of learning. Our ambassadors shared examples of high quality work and explained the process of receiving feedback and then applying feedback to improve their work during a morning tour.
Our visitors saw learning firsthand during their classroom visits. Classroom greeters welcomed them into their space and explained what they were doing. Many greeters toured the visitors in their classrooms and shared routines, examples of work, and expeditions.
Our Conway crew was treated to a hosted picnic lunch by EL Education where teachers and leaders were able to connect and answer questions. After lunch, student ambassadors returned to lead an outdoor tour of our Better World Day projects. These leaders were struck by all our students confidence and ability to engage in in depth conversations about learning.
As a newly credentialed school, Conway has drawn national attention for its excellence in educational practices. Requests to tour our school are on the rise for both families interested in having students attend and other school leaders to see the practices firsthand.
We will continue to improve our practices and so that our students can achieving more than they thought possible.
Thank you EL Education and our partner school leaders for the thoughtful words and kind, specific feedback that will continue to push us to continually improve.
#ChooseEUSD #EPICConway @EUSD @ELEducation