Week 13 - October 31st, 2022
Greetings Conway Families,
Our Conway Crew actively works hard to maintain traditions that express the culture of our community. This past week, we welcomed our families to our costume parade. This has been a long running tradition at our school, but it had been three years since our last parade that included our families. This was one of our Red Ribbon week closing activities, make sure to view some pictures here https://conway.eusd.org/o/conway/article/890051. Also on Friday, the classroom door decorating contest winners were announced. Read more about that exciting event here https://conway.eusd.org/o/conway/article/890019.
Bringing culture and enrichment to learning is an equal component to growing EPIC scholars and citizens. This week a few 6th graders experienced their first opera at the San Diego Civic Theater. Mrs. Bohnstedt escorted students to experience view El Último sueño de Frida y Diego. It was a special night to remember for all.
Green Crew takes action this week! These students are working to establish food waste reduction and recycling by conducting their first waste audit. This year our school has partnered with BCK, an environmental organization, empowering our students on their goal for creating a green school and making the world a better place.
Picture Make-up day is this week. If a student is retaking their photo, the original order purchased will be honored and applied to the make-up photo. To purchase photos, please use the following phttps://bit.ly/3VZFUXV .
We are grateful for the opportunity to inspire students to discover their unlimited potential through Excellence, Perseverance, Integrity, and Compassion. Together we are creating an EPIC school. We are in this together and believe, We Are Crew, not passengers.
In Crew,
Principal Meglich
Engaging the Community in the Life of the School
Week 13 - October 31st, 2022
Crew Spirit
Conway also works hard to support our staff crew. This week our staff was treated to a Spooktacular breakfast hosted by our office, NTS, and kitchen crew. These traditions are an important part of our school and are especially grateful for everyone’s dedication to our EPIC school.
Student Enrichment
Art & Ceramics
If you are interested in your child participating in our after school enrichment classes, please review the informational flier and fill out the interest form (linked in the flier). Upcycle Art: 4th, 5th, and 6th Grade • Ceramics: 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Grade • Informational Flier: https://bit.ly/3DjvB8x
Student Leadership
W.H.O Crew
W.H.O Crew needs your help!
WHO CREW has begun and we are ready to take action to help our community!
Please help us by donating socks to help those in need. Socks will be donated to Escondido‘s Interfaith Community Center.
Drop off a pair or two of new socks to The WHO CREW bin near the compassion table.
ENDS: 11-15-22, “Remember, it feels good to do good!
Beautiful Spaces Crew
Our Beautiful Spaces Crew is hard at work creating art to fundraise for our Tiny forest. We are going to buy and plant trees with our earnings. This month it is art cards and next month, wood slice ornaments / gift tags.
If you are interested, there are cards for only $1, please inquire at LCisterna@eusd.org or the front office.
Student Achievement
Boosting student achievement happens through various instructional supports. We have started our monthly recognitions of top grade level classes and individual student achievement in both reading and math. Every two weeks, we will celebrate excellence in achievement. These are the top Reading classes for September.
Family Engagement
The Scholastic Book Fair is coming to Conway!
We are in need of volunteers to help provide the best experience for our students and their families. If you have an hour or 2 to spare next week, we highly encourage you to donate your time and help make this an EPIC Book Fair!
If you are interested in volunteering, please fill out the
EUSD Volunteer Form https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeD_FqO9rUquKkhgij3FJcnL90Je2CFMDkIaIJgkUv5rN4sMg/viewform
Then, let us know your availability to volunteer by submitting the following google form https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1FIcwfjuaKl_cBGEPUf-sVxvezY1t_HgOdv0VXBwBLKs/edit Ms. Maldonado will contact you to confirm your volunteer clearance and volunteer time. Please contact Ms. Maldonado if you have any questions at xmaldonado@eusd.org
Book Fair Hours
Teachers will bring their class Monday or Tuesday
October 31st - November 4th (open to families & students)
7:30 am - 8:00 am
2:30 pm - 3:00 pm
Students will be able to shop during lunch recess
Wednesday & Friday
11:10 am -12:40 pm
10:10 am - 11:40 am
Create an ewallet account for safe spending for your child: https://bit.ly/3Web65F
A link to order online will be available on October 31st https://bookfairs.scholastic.com/bf/conwayelementaryschool10
The San Diego County Office of Education and Computers 2 Kids San Diego
Providing SMART Tools for school at an affordable price!
Choose from one of the following
- Lenovo Yoga 11" touch screen Laptop for $100
- Desktop $100 Includes Webcam & Wi-Fi Connection Adapter
- Laptop $150
If you are interested in purchasing any of these electronic devices, we highly encourage you to please register by Monday October 31st using the link provided below.
Distribution of electronic devices will take place on Saturday, November 5th
between 9:00 am - 12:00 pm at the North County Regional Education Center, 255 Pico Avenue, San Marcos CA 92069
**Walk-Ups accepted on the day of the event. **Pay day of the event in form of
Cash, Debit & Credit Card.
If you have any questions, please call (858) 200-9788 or email programs@c2sdk.org
EPIC Cougar Store Support
Next time you are on Amazon shopping, take a second to see what items students have requested. You might just make a student's day extra special .https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/4UUNM8LYO0ZX?ref_=wl_share.
PTA Update
Conway PTA will be hosting an association meeting. These meetings are very important and full of information on future events and so much more!
Join us via Zoom on Wednesday, November 2nd at 5:30 pm
Meeting ID: 856 6458 8038 Passcode: epic
Amazon Smile Supports Conway PTA
Looking Ahead
Here is a recap of this week and future events to mark your calendar. Stay tuned for specific details as events draw closer.
10/31 Scholastic Book Fair OPENS!
10/31 7:35 am Running club 1st - 3rd grade, Dance Crew Practice 2:30 - 3:00 pm
10/31 2:40 - 3:40 pm Cre8 Art, 2nd & 3rd grades Room 1
11/1 Picture Make-up Day!
11/1 7:35 am Running club 4th - 6th grade, 2:35 - 3:15pm Ambassador & Celebration
Crews room 4, and WeeBots Crew room 3
11/2 7:35 am Running club 1st - 3rd Dance Crew room 44
11/2 5:30 pm PTA Association Meeting, JOoin here - https://eusd.zoom.us/j/85664588038?pwd=SEM5UDVBVjVWNmdKWlQ1RzNKa012QT09
11/2 2:40 pm - 3:30 pm WHO CREW room 17, Cre8 Art, 2nd & 3rd grades Room 1
11/2 2:40 pm - 3:30 pm Garden Crew, Video Crew room 25
11/3 Wear Crew Blue! Early Release! 8:05 am College & Crew, Dippin dots
11/4 Crew Spirit Day - Mustache Day
11/4 All day Band, 2:40-3:40pm Mad Science 4/5th grade rm 3, Tech Crew 2:40-3:10pm