Conway Community News - Week 10

Student Ownership of Learning   

Week 10 - October 9th, 2022

Greetings Conway Families, 

As an Expeditionary Learning school, we know that Student Led Conferences are a high-leverage practice that empowers students to take a lead role in communicating their learning.  This past week our students scheduled times to bring their family onto campus to share their portfolios of learning.  SLCs bring the family in as a partner in the child’s growth and creates an opportunity for the family to listen to their student present herself with candor and clarity, even when there are challenges.  Teachers work hard to prepare the students to be ready to articulate as a well prepared presenter.  And most importantly, it puts students at the helm of their growth as learners.  

Following each conference, parents are asked to provide our school feedback for continual growth.  If you have completed our survey, thank you!  If not, please take a moment to scan the QR and provide us crucial feedback.  

We are grateful for the opportunity to inspire students to discover their unlimited potential through Excellence, Perseverance, Integrity, and Compassion.  Together we are creating an EPIC school.  We are in this together and believe, We Are Crew, not passengers. 

In crew, 

Principal Meglich

Week 10 - October 9th, 2022

Cultivating a Culture of Engagement 

Extended Learning

Begins this week! 

Extended Learning

Leadership Crews will begin the Week of October 11th.  If your student applied to one of the many crews, look out for a permission slip that will be sent this week.  

Thursday EPIC CREW Celebration

Every Thursday families are invited to join us at our weekly College and Crew Celebration.  This is a fifteen minutes long celebration that recognizes EPIC scholars, active citizens, and many other awards

Starting this week, Thursday will be our new Conway CREW blue day or your classs college shirt day.  

We are crew, not passengers!  

Communicating Student Achievement 

Follow the link:

For GATE identification this year, all 2nd grade students will participate in universal screening in November. Parents who would like to recommend students in grades 3-8 who have not previously been screened can pick up the Parent Background and Input Form in the front office of their child’s school starting on September 26, and should return it to the school by Friday, October 14. A school team will review requests and determine which students will be eligible to be screened in November. For more information, please visit our district website or stop by your school office.

Family Engagement 

Resource Staff 

PTA Update 

Conway PTA invites you to the Shakey's Fundraiser on Thursday, October 13 from 5 pm - 9 pm. 25% of qualifying sales will be donated to Conway School. Please place the original receipt of purchase in the designated box provided by Shakey's. All To-Go orders and online orders purchased count towards fundraising. For the online orders please write in the MEMO "FUNDRAISER". Purchases made with discounts or coupons WILL NOT count towards the fundraiser. Thank you for your continued support!

CREW Spirit 

Looking Ahead

Here is a recap of this week and future events to mark your calendar.  Stay tuned for specific details as events draw closer.  

10/10   7:35 am Running club 1st - 3rd grade, Dance Crew Practice 2:30 - 3:00 pm 

10/10    2:40 - 3:40 pm Cre8 Art, 2nd & 3rd grades  Room 1 

10/11     7:35 am Running club 4th - 6th grade, 2:35 - 3:15pm Ambassador & Celebration 

                  Crews room 4, and WeeBots Crew room 3

10/12    7:35 am Running club 1st - 3rd grade, 3 in 1 drill, Dance Crew room 44

10/12    2:40 pm - 3:30 pm WHO CREW room 17,  Cre8 Art, 2nd & 3rd grades  Room 1  

10/13    Wear Crew Blue! Early Release! No College & Crew, Den Meeting, Dippin Dots, 

                PTA Shakey’s Fundraiser 

10/13   Recognition of Conway Students at EUSD Board Meeting

10/14   Crew Spirit Day - Pink Out Day! 7:35 am Running club 4th - 6th grade

10/14   Band Day, 2:40 pm - 3:40 pm Mad Science 4th & 5th grade, room 3.  


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