Conway Community News - Week 8

Promoting Courage & Adventure  

Week 8 - September 25th, 2022

Greetings Conway Families, 

As an Expeditionary Learning school the spirit of courage and adventure permeates across our campus. This week was especially strong as students persevered during our EPIC run. Thanks to our ASB students, Mrs Sima, and our strong family participation,  it was a huge success! We were all so proud how our students accomplished a difficult task, embraced the challenge, and raised a lot of funds for our Conway Crew. Stay tuned to hear about ASB plans for bringing new equipment to our site from the funds raised.  Way to be EPIC!  

Courage and perseverance continued to be the theme this week.  Our 6th grade student leaders, Aubrey, Allison, and Pablo,  along with teachers and myself, shared our Story of Impact and Transformation with the EUSD Board Of Education.  The Board celebrated Conway’s accomplishments and shared their support of future plans.  Stay tuned!  

Student Led Conferences are scheduled for October 6th and 7th.  These are non-instructional days, so no classes on those two days.  Please read the SLC letter sent home on Friday that describes this crucial practice and make sure to schedule your SLC this week.  100% participation is our expectation as we know this time is a crucial practice to set-up up our students for success.  We are in this together and believe, We Are Crew, not passengers. 

We are grateful for the opportunity to inspire students to discover their unlimited potential through Excellence, Perseverance, Integrity, and Compassion.  Together we are creating an EPIC school.  

In crew, 

Principal Meglich

Week 8 - September 25th, 2022

Cultivating a Culture of Engagement 

Friday Spirit Days!  

Friday Crew spirit remains strong!  Last Friday students were definitely a CRAZY Hair Crew!

Friday Crew Spirit day is, LLL (Live, Like, Larry) Day in remembrance of our beloved teacher.  So Crew, let's all wear orange. 


Thursday EPIC CREW Celebration

Every Thursday families are invited to join us at our weekly College and Crew Celebration.  This is a fifteen minutes long celebration that recognizes EPIC scholars, active citizens, and many other awards.

Starting this week, Thursday will be our new Conway CREW blue day or your classs college shirt day.  We are crew, not passengers!  

Fall Picture Day

Associated Student Body (ASB)

Thank you ASB for all your leadership and creating the MOST EPIC RUN! 

Many pictures were taken that day and have been shared to EPIC Run Photos 2022. 

Family Engagement 

Volunteers needed!

We need you to join our parent crew!

The Family Engagement Programs Survey and Leadership Crews are a couple of brief surveys that will help us gather information to better serve our families. 

EUSD Volunteer Application/Code of Conduct & EUSD Vaccine Status Form

Parent Leadership! 

Arrival and Dismissal Safety

The safety and security of all of our students is our priority.  Please review these procedures.  Click here to download a PDF copy (English and Spanish) of the Conway Arrival and Dismissal Map.

PTA Membership Drive

Looking Ahead

Here is a recap of this week and future events to mark your calendar.  Stay tuned for specific details as events draw closer.  


9/26 Picture day !   7:35 am Running club 1st - 3rd grade

9/26    Rosh Hashanah 

9/27 Dance Crew Practice 2:30 - 3:00 pm

9/27 7:35 am Running club 4th - 6th grade, 

9/28 7:35 am Running club 1st - 3rd grade,  2:30 - 3:00 pm Dance Crew Pracitce 

9/28    3:00 pm School Site Council Meeting 

9/29 Wear Conway BLUE! EPIC Crew Celebration 8:00 am 

9/29 Early Release 12:15 pm,  Kona Ice Day 

9/30    Crew Spirit day - LLL Day, Wear Orange

9/30 7:35 am Running club 4th - 6th grade

9/30 Band Day

10/6 7:30am - 7:00 pm Student Led Conferences - No Classes

10/7 7:30 am - 11:30 am  Student Led Conferences -No Classes


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