Principal update #29

Read the entire update here

As an Expeditionary Learning school, differentiation is a core belief and instructional approach through which teachers proactively plan instruction to capitalize on students' varied assets and meet students' varied needs based upon ongoing assessment. Small group instruction is a strong practice for our site. this week we conducted our third learning walk this year. A learning walk is where a team visits classroom focused on indicators we've identified this year and provides feedback for growth and highlights strengths. This is a practice for progress monitoring site goals, and for this year, we have looked deeply at differentiation as an instructional practice to grow. Here are just a few highlights of small group instruction we observed this week.

Budget Crisis

As many of you are aware, due to the state budget deficit, the Escondido Union School district School Board is discussing many drastic cuts. One proposed cut will remove funding for intervention teacher. This is a strong differentiation practice for us at Conway. This means, many schools including Conway will lose ALL of our intervention and IMPACT teachers with provide our art and STEM instruction.

I was so grateful for all the parents and teachers that spoke at last week's EUSD Board Meeting expressing concerns and offering solutions to the Boards.

Due to the state funding shortfall, Conway will rely heavily on parent support and parent leadership groups like PTA for funding sources in order for our students to continue field work and expeditions. I encourage all of you to have your voices heard and encourage you to help us find innovative ways to continue to create classroom that are alive with inquiry, creativity, and joy. More than ever, we need strong partnership in education so we can continue to build a better world.

SmArt Festival

Another successful SmArt Festival this Saturday. All the art was amazing and appreciated seeing all our families participating in this immersive experience. Bravo to our Ballet Folklorico dancer that shined on stage. And a special thank you to our teacher, Mrs. August for leading our students this year in creating high quality works of art and the support teachers for set-up, Mr. Leahy and Mrs. Satterstrom and our parent, Miss Gaby for clean-up. It's takes a crew to do this kind of EPIC work.

EPIC Family Day at Lunch

Thank you to all our families that joined us for our 4th and 1st grade family day at lunch this week. Our next one is scheduled for April 12th for 3rd and 2nd grade. Our goal is to partner with our families in creating the kind of school our learners deserved. Your participation in these family events is appreciated and crucial for our Conway Crew.

6th Grade Spelling Bee

Our first ever 6th grade Spelling Bee was held at Conway. Led by Mrs. Brady, our 6th graders applied the morphology skills they've been learning and growing this year.

Congratulations to 6th grader, Olive Chrones, our "Queen Bee" will represent Conway at the Scripps county Spelling Bee this Thursday, March 14th.

Communication is extremely important to everyone at our EPIC school. Please make sure to scroll all the way through the weekly message. If you miss a message, you can view all communication on our website under "NEWS".

I am grateful for the opportunity to inspire students to discover their unlimited potential through Excellence, Perseverance, Integrity, and Compassion. Together we are creating an EPIC school.

We are in this together and believe, We Are Crew, not passengers. Read the entire update here

Tina Meglich
