Welcoming families and the community into the life of the school is a valuable practice for us as an Expeditionary learning school. At Conway, we offer a variety of ways to participate int he school community. This week we held our first Coffee with the Principal, and brought a special treat, Churros and chocolate in honor of Hispanic Heritage month. It was a honor to have so many families participate in this important gathering where we highlight Glows (what's working) and Grows (areas for improvement). Families also participated in Crew and learned a little about our circles, they practiced a greeting, actively listened and recognized diverse perspectives. In fact, they were an example how EMPATHETIC COLLABORATORS ensure equity of voice, ideas, and points of views. Thank you to all the families that participated. From the sign in sheet, one name was randomly selected to receive one of our new Conway coffee cups. This month's winner - Maria Stevens.
We thank you for entrusting us with your student, but more than ever, we are excited about our future to achieve more than we thought possible.
Let’s make it an EPIC week!
Always in crew,
Tina Meglich, Principal