Community News
September 17th, 2023
Our Crew Celebration assembly this week recognized our first EPIC active citizen awards. Students. These students were selected by their classroom teachers for demonstrating our EPIC traits inside and outside the classroom. The students demonstrate kindness and understanding the feelings and abilities of others. These monthly recognitions also celebrate our students at Empathetic Collaborators because they do actively listen, engage, and recognize each other’s voices and unique qualities. Congratulations to our EPIC active citizens.
During this week’s celebration, we were thrilled to welcome many of our parent leaders. Our new PTA board members: President Rito, treasurer Janet, membership coordinator Venessa, fundraising Katherine, auditor Joanne, and VP George, invite All families to join PTA and support our learners. This group has lofty goals for our school this year, but we need your help to achieve these goals.
It begins with you and we want to engage all our families in creating a strong partnership in our learners' education. Become a member of Conway Academy PTA TODAY. It’s easy, pay membership dues online! Simply click on the link provided below To pay membership dues in cash, stop by the front office and pick up a PTA envelope.
Currently we do have some openings in a few classes. The application window has been extended for the following: Recycling Green Crew, No Place for Hate / Peace Patrol, Ballet Folklorico, and Theater Center Stage (Lion King). Please register using the following link by September 17th, 2023.
We thank you for entrusting us with your student, but more than ever, we are excited about our future to achieve more than we thought possible.
Let’s make it an EPIC week!
Always in crew,
Tina Meglich, Principal
—----------Week 5 - September 10th, 2023—----------
Attendance Matters
Every school day counts when it comes to student success! September is recognized as Attendance Awareness Month, and we appreciate your support and encouragement for consistent student attendance. Every student is a valued member of our school community. Daily and on-time school attendance not only helps support our students' connection to school and learning, it is a key indicator of future success. Absences are understandable when a student is sick. However, missing 10 percent or just two days a month can cause a child to fall behind academically or feel disconnected from school and recovering is challenging for our students. When learners miss school, they are missed by their classmates and the caring adults on campus. We do notice! Our district has numerous resources to support families. Please do not hesitate to contact your school site if you are experiencing any challenges to daily school attendance for your child. Please contact our attendance clerk, Ms. Bautista (Miss Juana), or our family liaison, Mrs. Maldonado, or call the office at 760-432-2435.
After school Enrichment
Parents and families. We still have spaces available in the following after school enrichment classes for students in 3rd to 6th Grade. We currently have room in Recycling Green Crew, No Place for Hate / Peace Patrol, Ballet Folklorico, and Theater Center Stage (Lion King). Please register using the following link by September 17th, 2023.
Family Engagement
Are you on the Conway Volunteer list?
Conway loves volunteers!
We want to thank the families who joined us at our Field Work Workshop this past Friday. Families got a chance to learn a little about Expeditions and Field Work expectations. If you have the slightest interest in participating in any volunteer activities on site, or want to be a candidate to chaperone for a Fieldwork, please submit your volunteer application TODAY!
We encourage families to submit a Level 0 volunteer application to get on the volunteer list and then turn in additional required documents to reach higher volunteer access when you have them available.
To submit your volunteer application, please click on you language preference
Please contact our site family liaison, Xochitl Maldonado at (760) 432-2435 EXT 12005 if you have any questions or would like assistance submitting a volunteer form.
Join us to our first ELAC meeting of the school year! Mrs. Sima, one of our Impact Teachers will be sharing some valuable information in regards to iReady. All students in Kindergarten - 6th grade use iReady for Math & Reading support. With Student Led Conferences coming up, we encourage families to attend and better understand the meaning of their students' scores.
We hope to see you in room 5 on Thursday at 8:30 am after our Crew Celebration.
Fun Run
Conway Academy PTA is super excited to be hosting the FUN RUN this year. This year's Fun Run is scheduled to take place on Wednesday, October 4th and we will be having the opportunities for families to be volunteers during the event. Fun Run pledges will be able to be made in cash, check or online payment. Stay tuned this week as more information will be sent home in regards to the logistics of this fundraiser and the amazing prizes up for grabs.
Are you a PTA Member for the 2023-20024 school year?
Did you know that PTA members are NOT committed to any volunteer responsibilities but members DO get access to exclusive benefits? Parent Teacher Association(PTA) members help advocate for improvements in the education, health and the well-being of all children and families of California. To become a PTA member, you simply make a $10 donation to Conway Academy PTA. A portion of the $10 membership donation will go to the California PTA and the rest will be used to support programs at Conway. A few programs that Conway Academy PTA supports onsite are as follows, - Teacher Grants - Academic Incentives - Ceremony Preparations and so much more! Become a member of Conway Academy PTA TODAY!!! Pay membership dues online! Simply click on the link provided below To pay membership dues in cash, stop by the front office and pick up a PTA envelope. Fill out the required information and turn it in to your students teacher or front office staff. Families who turn in membership dues before September 13 will be entered to win the School Supplies box pictured on the last picture. Winner will be announced at the next Crew Celebration on Thursday, September 14th. We are EPIC in all that we do. At Conway we're not passengers, WE ARE CREW!