Conway Community News - Week 5

Community News

September 10th, 2023

Greetings Conway community,

As an expeditionary learning school, we value our tradition of crew as both a culture and structure.  At Conway, we have extended that structure to Dens. 

This year in Dens, we will focus on our ten Design Principles. During Thursday’s den meeting, learners explored the design principle, EMPATHY & CARING.  

This practice is also an example of our EUSD Learner Profile that grows Empathetic Collaborators, our learners learn to actively listen, build on the strengths, interest, and assets of others.  

We thank you for entrusting us with your student, but more than ever, we are excited about our future to achieve more than we thought possible.

Let’s make it an EPIC week!

Always in crew,

Tina Meglich, Principal

—----------Week 5 - September 10th, 2023—----------

Why Does Attendance Matter?

Every school day counts

A missed school day is a lost opportunity for students to learn. Every day a student is absent is a lost opportunity for learning. Too many absences not only can affect achievement for the absent student but also can disrupt learning for the entire class. Our students’ learning is so important and we want our families to know, we are here to help!  Please reach out to our attendance clerk, Juana Bautista, or our  family liaison, Xochoitl Maldonado for any questions or assistance.  

Substitute Teacher Job Fair 

Monday September 18th 8:30AM to 12:30PM. (See Attached Flyer). The Fair is going to be a "One Stop Event" that will allow individuals to complete various stages of the sub hiring process from applying on edjoin, obtaining a certificate of clearance, physical to fingerprinting at EUSD's District Office (2310 Aldergrove Avenue, Escondido, CA 92029) Thank you for your assistance in distributing this information how you deem helpful!

A Step Beyond Informational Meeting

A Step Beyond is a multi-year creative youth development after school program offering FREE dance education, academic support, and family services to low-Income families in North County San Diego. They will be hosting their annual dance auditions for students ages between 8 - 12 years old in 3rd - 5th grade this coming Saturday. No experience is necessary. If you are interested in having your student audition, we invite you to attend the virtual parent informational meeting on 

Thursday, September 14 at 6 pm via Zoom.

Zoom Meeting ID: 345 727 6935 

Auditions will take place on

Saturday, September 16, 2023

at A Step Beyond Escondido (California Center for the Arts Escondido)

Please arrive between 8-10 am

No dance experience is necessary.

For more information, please call (760) 670-3250.

Fieldwork & Expeditions

How is this different from field trips?  Come find out.  

We invite all families to attend a quick crash course about Fieldwork and Expeditions this Friday,Sep 15, 2023at 8 am in room 5.

Parents interested in participating on field work (field trips) must attend a workshop prior to approval.

Our site Instructional Coach Mrs. Ellseworth will explain the responsibilities of a chaperone during a Fieldwork event and purpose behind grade level expeditions.

Join us and learn how you can be invited to be a chaperone on a Fieldwork event! If you are unable to attend and are interested in getting involved as a volunteer, please contact our site Family Liaison Ms. Maldonado at (760) 432-2435 EXT 12005.

Are you on Conway School’s Volunteer List?

If you have the slightest interest in participating in any volunteer activities on site, or want to be a candidate to chaperone for a Fieldwork, please submit your volunteer application TODAY!

We encourage families to submit a Level 0 volunteer application to get on the volunteer list and then turn in additional required documents to reach a higher volunteer access when you have them available.

To submit your volunteer application, please click on the link below


Family Engagement Survey 2023-2024

 in the survey you will find that we would appreciate your feedback in regards to the Family Engagement Policy and School/Parent Compact for this school year. If you would like a paper copy of any of these documents, please stop by our front office or contact our site Family Liaison Ms. Maldonado at (760) 432-2435 EXT 12005.

Conway PTA


Great news!

We have extended the School Supplies raffle to this Wednesday, September 13th! If you have not yet paid your membership dues, you still have a chance to do so and a chance at winning this Schools Supply Box. Winner will be announced at this week's Crew Celebration on Thursday morning.

Become a PTA member today by paying your membership dues or by stopping by the front office and picking up a PTA envelope.

PTA will be having a Membership contest and the class with the highest percentage of memberships will win a special prize. So don’t wait. Become a PTA member TODAY!

We are excited to see you at our next Restaurant Night FUNdraiser at  Shakey’s Escondido on October 12. Stay tuned for more information!