Eight years ago we embarked on a transformational journey here at Conway. Our crew has been invested in creating the type of school our community deserves. The changes are evident, the school is not what it was eight years ago. Conway was built in 1966 and back then it was seen as innovative, new, it was round like a spaceship, it had a cutting edge design, but then over time the school became tired and lost its sparkle and shine. Well that remarkable brilliance is back and brighter than ever. In 2015 it was the lowest performing school, but now we are outperforming the district and rated equally to some of our other higher performing schools. One goal has focused on elevating student voice and leadership. That was seen this last week at several of our culminating events.
Celebration of Learning is more than just a display of student work and more than a school gathering at the end of the year. This event compels students to reflect on and articulate what they have learned, how they learned, questions they answered, research they conducted, and areas of strength and struggles. They are powerful opportunities to make learning public. Here are a few images from that EPIC evening.
A learning environment like this can transform how we feel about school and our futures as students, learners, and citizens and this work has been realized by the deep commitment of our entire Conway community crew. We are Crew, not passengers at Conway.
Help me in congratulating our newest Conway staff crew members, Miss Mesko, Miss Haworth, Miss Ennis, Miss Klein, and our former teacher, Mrs. Imes. These teachers completed their final step of the teacher induction process and presented at the annual EUSD Colloquium event.
A huge thank you goes out to our Oasis Tutoring program. They set our students up for successful reading this summer. Oasis hosted an end of the year Book Giveaway and every student got to choose three books to keep.
For almost 30 years, San Diego Oasis has trained older adults to serve as one-on-one tutors for elementary school children who are struggling with reading.
We are beyond grateful for the continued support and this remarkable partnership with Oasis.
As we prepare for this final week, I’d like to remind families of a few important events. All i-pads and equipment is due this week. All school materials must be turned in before the last day of school.
Our 6th grade promotion is scheduled on Thursday, June 1st. Please see the promotion letter linked. Because of promotion, our final College and Crew is set for Friday at 8:00am. Please join us as we close out the year in the most EPIC way.
Friday is also a minimum day with a 12:10 pm dismissal.
I am grateful for the opportunity to inspire students to discover their unlimited potential through Excellence, Perseverance, Integrity, and Compassion. Together we are creating an EPIC school. Here is another example of our EPIC Crews.
We are in this together and believe, We Are Crew, not passengers.
In Crew,
Principal Meglich
Week 39 - May 29th, 2023
EPIC Awards
An extra special kindergarten celebration and surfing send off song for Mr. Winslow who is retiring this year.
Thank you to all our families that joined us in recognizing the hard work of our students.
FRIDAY LAST College & Crew Celebration 8:00 am
Parents, you are invited to join us this week but you will need to check in the front office for this week’s College and Crew Celebration.
Lost & Found
Lost and found is out. These beanies, sweaters, jackets, gloves, hoodies, water bottles, lunch boxes, umbrellas are just some of the items missing from their owners. Please help your student recover missing items. All items left behind will be donated to those in need.
Medication Pick-up
Attention parents and guardians! Just a friendly reminder to please pick up your students medication from the health office on the last day of school (Friday, June 2nd). Sincerely,
Looking Ahead
Here is a recap of this week and future events to mark your calendar. Stay tuned for specific details as events draw closer.
Memorial Day Observance
Materials Collection all week
8:30 am Student Leadership Fieldwork - Birch Aquarium
2:35 - 3:15pm Celebration Crews room 4
8:00 - 10:00 am Volunteer Crew time
10:15 am Staff vs 5th/6th grade kickball game
2:00 pm 3 in 1 drill
3:00 - 4:00 pm Parent Leadership Meeting/ Elections
6:00 pm Seussical Performance, MPR
NO College & crew today
9:00 am 6th grade Promotion
12:00 pm Kona Ice
12:15 pm Early Release!
5:30 pm 5th & 6th grade Dance
Spirit day - Conway Blue
8:00 am LAST College & crew
12:00 pm Early Dismissal
Report cards sent home