Conway Community News - Week 27

Week 27 - February 26th, 2023

Community of Crew & Belonging 

We are very proud of our Speciality School and the transformational journey that began over seven years ago when we adopted the EL Education model, formerly known as  Expeditionary Learning.  Our transformation has been remarkable and I am  proud to announce our new name, Conway Academy of Expeditionary Learning which we will officially adopt this year.  Our staff crew is committed to our vision that All learners will discover their unlimited potential through excellence, perseverance, integrity, and compassion.  

Expeditionary learning schools focus on empowering our students to be leaders of their own learning.  This week we embark on our second round of Student-Led Conferences (SLC) as these are a critical part of the yearly routines and rituals that support ALL students as they learn to lead. In fact, we are the only school in EUSD that implements this a critical component of learning.  Because of this, several visitors will be on campus learning about this powerful practice to implement at their sites.  

Conway misses our families, and we will continue to find ways to connect with families and SLCs provide us this opportunity.  SLCs identify a student's current academic level, social and emotional needs, and goal setting for growth in all areas. 

Our experience has shown that student-led conferences are most beneficial when parents come ready to discuss student growth goals for academic achievement, character, and encourage the process for creating high quality work. Here are a few questions parents can ask their scholar during your SLC, parent SLC questions.  

100% participation is our expectation as we know this time is a crucial practice that sets students up for success.  If a parent/guardian, sibling, or relative cannot attend, please notify your teacher so we can provide a trust staff member to have your student present to.  We are in this together and believe, We Are Crew, not passengers

Congratulations to all our EPIC performers this week.  They shined and inspired us and brought joy to our entire Conway Crew.  See some of the highlight here -

This week’s Coffee with the Principal lifted up what CREW looks like at Conway.  Student ambassadors shared their perspectives of CREW and the impact of this powerful practice.  Parents then created one word tiles that will be added to a collaborative CREW art project that will be displayed in our library.  We believe that EPIC is the way to be at Conway and value our parent partnerships!

Our local paper shined the light on the new Girls on the Run after school program.  Read about the program's goals and the impact of the partnerships with EUSD schools.  Conway is grateful for our site’s coaches, Mrs. Brady, Mrs. Cisterna, Coach E, and Mrs. Maldonado for leading our girls.  


I am  grateful for the opportunity to inspire students to discover their unlimited potential through Excellence, Perseverance, Integrity, and Compassion.  Together we are creating an EPIC school.  We are in this together and believe, We Are Crew, not passengers.  

In Crew, 

Principal Meglich 


Week 27 - February 26th, 2023

Announcements - 6th Grade Applications OPEN now! 

Attention 5th Grade Families! Conway is now accepting applications to the 2023-24 school year for 6th Grade. Please download a copy of Principal Meglich's letter here: and click on the link here: for the 6th Grade Survey/Application. We ask for 100% participation from all 5th Grade families, even if you do not plan on staying at Conway.

February Pizza with the Principal 

Classroom teachers nominate students and others are selected by turning in their cougar paws to our ticket hopper to be drawn.  This month was packed with EPIC students.  They all practiced their drawing, guessing, and enjoyed this time as they also played Pictionary with the Principal too.  


After school Enrichment

Lego Robotics Jr for 2nd and 3rd Graders begins Tuesday, March 7th! If you are interested in your child participating in the after school enrichment club, please complete the form below. You will be notified via the email address you provide on this form whether your child can be enrolled or will be placed on the waitlist! Fill out the interest form here:


EPIC Scholar Awards are Coming! 

End of Trimester 2 - March 3rd, 2023

Mailed home March 10th! 

After School Program Openings

YMCA before and after school programs support children in reaching their full potential by providing academic support and hands-on enrichment experiences in a safe and structured environment for children grades kindergarten through middle school. Located directly on your child’s school campus, they partner with the school by working directly with teachers to support student learning. Our staff design engaging enrichment activities to help support your child’s learning in all areas in addition to all the programs already available at your site. The YMCA’s Expanded Learning Programs are before and after school (and summer) programs funded by the California Department of Education in partnership with local school districts. CONWAY YMCA LEGENDS PROGRAM HAS OPEN SPOTS AVAILABLE! If you would like your child to be considered for enrollment NOW in the grant-funded program, please fill out this form: If you have questions, please contact Ms. Gracie Joya via email at or via phone at (619)972-9759.

College & Crew Celebration

2/23/23 Thursdays, 8:00 - 8:15 am

Parents, you are invited to join us every Thursday at our weekly College and Crew Celebration.  Students are recognized for EPIC scholarly, active citizen, and athletic achievement.  

Friday Crew Spirit Day - Animal day 

Show your crew spirit by wearing your favorite animal or animal print.  


Family Engagement 

Get a refurbished computer at an affordable price! Computers are available to low-income families with no other criteria.  - Pay at the Event. We accept Cash, Debit & Credit cards.  - Friends & family are welcome to register!  - Walk-Ups are welcome! Saturday, March 4th from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm Kearny High School @ 1954 Komet Way, San Diego CA 92111 (Drive Thru Event – entrance to the parking lot will be on Mesa College Drive) You can register by visiting Last day to register is Tuesday, February 28th. If you have any questions, contact C2K at (858) 200-9788 or

Attention families of students 6th through 11 grade! You are invited to the "It begins with a dream..." College & Resource Fair being held at the University of California San Diego on Saturday, March 4, 2023. This year’s theme is The Dream Lives On! The conference will include workshops in English and Spanish and is open to all 6-11th grade students, parents/guardians, and advocates. If you plan to attend, please register by clicking on the link below

Support our Cougar Store! 

Looking Ahead

Here is a recap of this week and future events to mark your calendar.  Stay tuned for specific details as events draw closer.  



Student Led Conference this week! 

7:35 am Running club 1st - 3rd grade

1:30 - 2:30 pm Volunteer Crew (come help our Crew!) 

  2:40 - 3:40 pm Dance to Evolve & Math Intervention

2:40 - 4:10 pm Girls on the Run, 3rd - 6th rm 41 


Student Led Conference this week! 

7:35 am Running club 4th - 6th grade, 

2:35 - 3:15pm Ambassador & Celebration Crews room 4

2:40 - 4:50 pm SD Children’s Museum 

2:40- 3:40 pm Math Intervention 5th &  Monart Art 3 - 6th 

2:40 - 4:50 pm SD Children’s Museum 

2:40 - 3:40 pm Writing Revolution, 5th & 6th, rm 41 


Student Led Conference this week! 

7:35 am Running club 1st - 3rd  

8:00 - 9:00 am Volunteer Crew 

2:30 - 4:30 pm STEM Challenge, Mr. Williams, rm 42

2:40 - 3:40 pm Dance to Evolve 1 - 2nd MPR

2:40 - 3:30 pm Weebots 1st - 2nd, rm 8 

2:40 - 3:30 pm WHO CREW room 17,  2nd & 3rd grades   

2:40 - 3:30 pm Garden Crew, Math Intervention 5th, Video crew

2:40 - 4:50 pm SD Children’s Museum, TK - 2nd rm 27

2:40- 3:40 pm First Lego League 4th - 6th 

2:40 - 4:10 pm Girls on the Run, 3rd - 6th rm 41 


Student Led Conference this week! 

Wear Crew Blue! 

8:00am College & Crew Celebration, parents welcome

12:15 pm Early Release!  Dipp’n Dots

12:15 - 1:15pm STEM Challenge, Mr. Williams rm 42


Student Led Conference this week! 

Band Day, Conway Spirit Day - Wild Animal day  

7:35 - 7:50 am Running Club - 4 - 6th 

2:40 - 3:10 pm Tech Crew 

2:40 - 3:40 pm Writing Revolution, 5th & 6th, rm 41

2:40 - 3:40 pm Monart Art 4-6th

Next week - Report cards and Grade Level Awards! 


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